Monday, May 20, 2013

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Rain Rain go away come back another day?? Nope that didn't work!Dear God..can you stop the rain for just a few hours? Nope that didn't work- he wanted to give everything on earth a drink! This is where the story begins.. Its the night before the big race- and no one knows what to wear. Everyone is texting me or calling and asking what to wear..and I'm absolutely no help, as I am stressing about the same situation myself. I didn't want to be to hot, I didn't want to be to cold. Learning LESSON #1- you can't be to hot when its raining that hard. LESSON #2- it does not matter how many layers you have on- they ALL WILL GET SOAKED. LESSON #3- A big apple fritter before a race apparently really works for (JON). Lesson #3-baseball hats really help -LESSON #4 Do not stuff yourself with Mexican food the night before a big LESSON #5-You do not need your drivers license at a LESSON#6-That big porta potty line your standing in- ummm there is a whole row of them right behind them with no most of us) LESSON#7-When the doctor in the medical tent tells you to take off your clothes-just do LESSON #8- NONE OF THIS WOULD NOT HAVE BEEN AS MUCH FUN WITHOUT A GROUP OF GREAT FRIENDS AND CLIENTS! LESSON #9- To the guy in the white shirt with blood dripping all the way down from his nipples. oh sweet honey.. put a bandaid over them next time to save them from rubbing off! ****************** Here are our times*** JON 2:02***ANNIE 2:04***MELODY 2:10***JASON 2:24*** MIKE 2:36***CORINNE 2:41***AMBER 2:44***SYBIL 2:53***KRISTEN 3:00 ***RUTH 3:12 Nicki and Teri ran the 5k- TERI- 33:01***NICKI-38.00 CONGRATS TO EVERYONE!!!I ONLY HAVE A FEW PICS TO POST.! Military testing scores are done! Daryl tested for the marines - he had to do a 3 mile timed run- and a full pull up test and he did awesome! I'm so pleased to announce that he is my first official MARINE! I really have watched him get stronger and stronger and faster. He has been a joy to train and his hard work is paying off! Congrats! Thank you to Sybil and daryl for donating time on their sunday to help assist Jon and I- we appreciate you!

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Hi all! I'm a little late with this weeks post. I feel like it was such a busy weekend! I just want to say a few quick things! First of all, THANK YOU! THANK YOU! Testing was just about AWESOME this time around!WOW! You are all just such a amazing group to work with! I really think you all stepped up to the plate and proved how far you have come! I should have all results done by the weekend! Next I just want to say GOOD LUCK to all of us runners that are running in the Ogden half or the 5k! I am hoping it will be a great experience for everyone! I promise to have some fun pics to post this coming weekend as well! I would also like to WELCOME- Holly Frye, Ami Fry, and Lynette Bear as new permanent clients!!Wishing you all strength-health and happiness for all the days to come!

Saturday, May 4, 2013

The numbers at this boot camp were staggering! This was probably the closest one yet! I am so proud of your hard work and dedication..not just to yourself and your goals, but to me and your fellow boot camp friends! The look of excitement on your faces when you weighed in was awesome. I am so pleased about this boot camps biggest loser. She has been one of my biggest boot camp supporters. She is one of the sweetest people you will meet....drum roll please........AMI FRY YOU ARE THE BIGGEST LOSER!!! CONGRATS TO YOU! NEXT BOOT CAMP IS ON ME!! Holly was a close second. Talk about jumping right into it! Her positive attitude and her hard work was amazing. She may not be the biggest loser winner, but she did lose 6 lbs!! Thanks again to everyone who showed up every night and gave it their all. I have to give a shout out to Daryl and Corinne who never even walked at all on snow basin!! Ran the whole thing without stopping. Honestly, do you know how hard that is?? I am posting some pics for your enjoyment! Enjoy! Next boot camp will be in June!!