Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Hi all! I'm a little late with this weeks post. I feel like it was such a busy weekend! I just want to say a few quick things! First of all, THANK YOU! THANK YOU! Testing was just about AWESOME this time around!WOW! You are all just such a amazing group to work with! I really think you all stepped up to the plate and proved how far you have come! I should have all results done by the weekend! Next I just want to say GOOD LUCK to all of us runners that are running in the Ogden half or the 5k! I am hoping it will be a great experience for everyone! I promise to have some fun pics to post this coming weekend as well! I would also like to WELCOME- Holly Frye, Ami Fry, and Lynette Bear as new permanent clients!!Wishing you all strength-health and happiness for all the days to come!

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