Sunday, May 19, 2013

Rain Rain go away come back another day?? Nope that didn't work!Dear God..can you stop the rain for just a few hours? Nope that didn't work- he wanted to give everything on earth a drink! This is where the story begins.. Its the night before the big race- and no one knows what to wear. Everyone is texting me or calling and asking what to wear..and I'm absolutely no help, as I am stressing about the same situation myself. I didn't want to be to hot, I didn't want to be to cold. Learning LESSON #1- you can't be to hot when its raining that hard. LESSON #2- it does not matter how many layers you have on- they ALL WILL GET SOAKED. LESSON #3- A big apple fritter before a race apparently really works for (JON). Lesson #3-baseball hats really help -LESSON #4 Do not stuff yourself with Mexican food the night before a big LESSON #5-You do not need your drivers license at a LESSON#6-That big porta potty line your standing in- ummm there is a whole row of them right behind them with no most of us) LESSON#7-When the doctor in the medical tent tells you to take off your clothes-just do LESSON #8- NONE OF THIS WOULD NOT HAVE BEEN AS MUCH FUN WITHOUT A GROUP OF GREAT FRIENDS AND CLIENTS! LESSON #9- To the guy in the white shirt with blood dripping all the way down from his nipples. oh sweet honey.. put a bandaid over them next time to save them from rubbing off! ****************** Here are our times*** JON 2:02***ANNIE 2:04***MELODY 2:10***JASON 2:24*** MIKE 2:36***CORINNE 2:41***AMBER 2:44***SYBIL 2:53***KRISTEN 3:00 ***RUTH 3:12 Nicki and Teri ran the 5k- TERI- 33:01***NICKI-38.00 CONGRATS TO EVERYONE!!!I ONLY HAVE A FEW PICS TO POST.! Military testing scores are done! Daryl tested for the marines - he had to do a 3 mile timed run- and a full pull up test and he did awesome! I'm so pleased to announce that he is my first official MARINE! I really have watched him get stronger and stronger and faster. He has been a joy to train and his hard work is paying off! Congrats! Thank you to Sybil and daryl for donating time on their sunday to help assist Jon and I- we appreciate you!


Kelly and Terri said...

I hope everyone had fun Saturday (we did) and was able to go home & take a long warm bath to warm up. Congrats to everyone that ran Saturday & to Darrell for making Army. Way to go!!!

Kelly and Terri said...

Oops! Sorry Darrell. Congrats on making Marine!!!