Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Yesterday was on of those "aha" days! It was a day for me that I realized once again why I do what I do. Ruth came to weigh in. She is getting ready to leave for Canada to see her family. They won't believe their eyes!! She has lost 65 pounds now!65 pounds of fat..GONE!!! I am so proud of her! She met her goal once again. She lost another 35 pounds in 4!/2 months! She is a nurse for PRIMARY CHILDRENS hospital on the graveyard shift. She comes faithfully every week, at least two times and during the day when she should be sleeping! She never makes excuses! I have never even heard her say she was tired!! She just shows up and trys her hardest! I have taken some pictures of her to show you, but for some reason I can not get them to import from the camera! You guys all know I am no computer genius! I will post them soon, but wanted to give her the credit that she so deserves! Thank you Ruth, for making us a success!!!!!You keep it up girl, and don't you dare let that good ol' home cookin at mamas house sway those results!!!Keep it up!!!

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