Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Congratulations to Sybil...she ran her half in 2:53> Way to go! Kristen did her 100 mile bike ride...congrats!
Some of you are asking for the June boot camp dates so you can get it on the calendar...I will start working on that and post it soon.
Wishing Ami Fry a fast recovery. She had surgery on her hip last week. She is amazing and always so positive. I know many of you have got to know her at boot camps.
Ruth is getting married on Thursday..finally! Wishing the new couple a happy and joyful day!
I also want to give a little shout out to Colette and Mike...I have just seen such big improvements in them. They are changing physically, but mentally I can really see how it is bringing such a positive change as well!

Stay in balance> Remember if you are off balance in one small area of your life, it throws you off balance in another area. Its hard to find balance, but you must seek it! There you will find you feel the best. Do not live with negative thoughts. Fill your mind with positive things. What are your priorities? Are you sure they are the right ones?

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