Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Ok! Lots of information coming your way!!  I have done a January goal for each of you. I hope you will take your envelope and work hard to make your goal. The goal deadline is Feb 2nd!! I will post those who made it! Ami Fry ( you all know her from boot camps) has opened a indoor soccer arena! Yay! I get to rent out some space from her for some Sat classes! This should also help push you towards those goals! We had so much fun, and I have had so many requests to do sat classes again. I will only continue these if I get enough turnout! I will need at least 8 to hold a class! My first class will be held on January the 19th. It will cost 20 dollars and will be held in the early am! If I get enough of you to commit, we will do it!!! The facility is in layton at 976 marshall way. Just up from swan lakes golf course! Let me know if you plan to come, and I will give you more info soon! I will be writing a health tip every week for the month!! I will post them every sunday. Heres this weeks tip: I want you to all think H.A.L.T. HUNGRY? ANGRY? LONELY? TIRED? ASK YOURSELF THIS, EVERY TIME YOU EAT! ONLY EAT IF YOU ARE REALLY HUNGRY! THE H.A.L.T. METHOD IS A GREAT ASSESMENT! Alot of people tend to eat instead of dealing with the present issues at hand. All this does is move the tension to themselves, and usually leads to a binge. We have a team of 10 running the Ogden Half! Our team training runs will start soon! We will do 1 run a month together! We will start in February! I am going to go back to measuring!! Somehow I have got sloppy with this! Starting next week you will all be measured> This will take some time off your workouts, but must be done!!! I am toying around with the idea of doing a indoor boot camp here. I have all the equipment, and with the treadmills I can make sure we also gets lots of cardio in as well. I will do groups of 4 only. I will probably do 1 morning class, and 2 evening classes. We will go everyday of the week. I will keep you posted!

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