Sunday, June 30, 2013

Hi! Happy 4th of July week to you all! Go easy on the potato salad this week! I want to share a few nutrition tips with you- that you may not know! I know some of you like multi grain is what you need to know- a lot of multi grain breads are primarily made with white flour! if you fall for this label, you could be taking in a large amount of refined sugars! Always check your ingredients- the first item in your loaf should be "whole wheat flour" or "rye flour".Also, if there is less than 2 grams of fiber per serving- pass it up!!*********Here is something to know about peanut butter- (even I fell into this trap) don't fall for the low fat hype. 2 tbs of reduced fat creamy has 180 calories, which is only 10 calories less than original. Want to know why?? They add more sugar to make up for the flavor because the fat was stripped away!!****Remember that if you are working out outdoors in this heat to switch to some electrolyte drink after 1 hour, anything less than a hour- you should be fine with just water!****weekly shout outs- I spent some time with Sybil last week and she is looking great and feeling pretty good. I think she should heal really well because she was in such good shape before she went in. Only great things come from taking care of your body and health!**Holly- I feel a deep connection with Holly. I felt it almost right away, and its something I really cant explain. I do believe she and I are meant to work together and share this incredible journey. She is doing AMAZING- She calls me "THE SWEAT WHISPERER" which started out as a joke at first, but I must admit I feel incredibly proud to be called that! After all my goal is to make you sweat! Score!! CORINNE- she would win first prize if there was one for the "most grateful". There is not a week that goes by that she does not send me a text thanking me for a great workout and telling me how great she feels. They say we need to live our lives being more grateful. Her gracious and positive attitude brings much to her life..and sharing her positive attitude and grateful thoughts with me, bring much to mine!!I will close on that thought- BE GRATEFUL..BE WISE..BE PATIENT..BE KIND..AND ALWAYS CHECK YOUR LABELS AND SERVING SIZES! LOL

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