Sunday, August 18, 2013

Hello! School starts in 1 week! Where did the time go? I feel its only appropriate that you all must prepare your brains as well..Heres a sample quiz for you! How do you rate? UGH my blog still wont do paragraphs!! ****************** ~~~~ 1... Which is the best source of protein?? a.(1 hardboiled egg ) b.(3-ounce chicken breast ) c.( 1 cup skim milk ) d.(1 cup yogurt) ~~~~2.... Which of the following does NOT help replenish lost muscle glycogen stores after an intense workout session? a.( Black beans ) b.( Brown rice ) c.(Turkey Breast ) d.(Yogurt) ~~~~3....Which of these foods would not refuel and rehydrate you after a workout???? a. (Potato ) b.( Steak) c.( Oatmeal) d.(Plum) ~~~~4....While many think muscle cramps are due to a lack of potassium, a shortage of which of the following can also be the contributor??? a. ( Magnesium ) b. (Riboflavin ) c. (Selenium) d.(Vitamin C ) *****Answers***************** ~~~1.....3 ounces of chicken breast. 1 hardboiled egg (6.3 grams), 3-ounce chicken breast (24 grams), 1 cup milk (8 grams), 1 cup plain, fat-free yogurt (13 grams) ~~~2.....Turkey breast. Only foods that contain carbohydrates can help to replenish muscle glycogen stores. Turkey breast does not contain carbohydrates. ~~~3.....Steak. Fruits and vegetables contain the highest water content (plums are 92% water, potatoes contain approximately 76% water). Meats contain the least amount of water (an eye or round is 65% water). Plus, fruits, vegetables, and grains all contain some carbohydrates to help replenish glycogen stores. ~~~4.....Magnesium. Magnesium relaxes muscles, so when you don't consume enough on a daily basis, you may experience muscle cramping. *****Coming soon-- some more tue night classes!! Will post them in the gym or on line soon!

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