Saturday, January 1, 2011

HAPPY NEW YEAR! 2011 here we come! I usually make resolutions every year, but this year i didn't. Instead I chose 1 phrase..To live with INTENSITY. I want to be passionate and more intense with the things in my life that are important. I'm hoping that the INTENSITY that I will be striving for in many areas of my life, will only make it better! Yes, this includes you also. I want to train you with more intensity. We all need motivators, and friends, and people to help empower and inspire us. I want to be one of those people for you. I heard it said that trainers are like therapists. Another trainer had said how we go through marriages, divorces, babies,deaths, career changes, and day to day life with our clients. By training you I get to play a part in it by not just being empathetic and a good listener but by teaching you how to get more energy, better self esteem, and reminding you that even when life throws you a curve have to take care of yourself! You have to love yourself! You have to workout for your health, for your mind. It is time to take small steps in the right direction, and set yourself on a better path. Quit being so hard on yourself! It is way to hard to be perfect in a imperfect world! Get off the rollercoaster of internal battles. They only lead to stress and well we know where stress usually takes us...right to the refridgerator! Take away the negative and put back the positve! 2011 a new journey!
I have enjoyed some much needed time off with my family and kids, but I must say even though I saw many of you on Tuesday, I kinda missed you guys! Which got me thinking..hmmm. I wonder if they miss me?? Then I got the cutest text from Nicki.. and it said..I miss your cute face!! seriously made my day! Thanks Nick! And A thanks to Lindsay who was my little workout partner at least 3 times over the holiday break! It just felt a little quiet around here and it was nice to share a few sweat sessions!I cant wait to show you new posters of Ruth, and wait till you see what big changes Angie has been making!!!Wow!
And FYI.. I'm on to some new ab exercises that hurt so must be good!!You might also start looking forward to the reverse plank!
New year brings new reminders..don't come in with snow wet feet on the floors. Change into gym shoes that are not all wet when you get here! Many of you are forgetting towels..please don't! Make sure to clean up all equipment, and as always don't come sick!!! xoxoxo

1 comment:

andyandmorganp said...

Annie- your the very best trainer(friend, listener, etc, etc....) thanks for all you do for me!! Love ya!!