Sunday, February 24, 2013

I am a summer girl. My mom says I was born a californian. I swear I feel like my battery is "fully" charged when the sun is out. Winter is hard here. Bad weather, and bad air makes for some long months and some rather boring workouts stuck inside! No matter what though, I find that my desire to be healthy, and strong, and fit, always finds its way. I strive to make yours and my workouts fun and challenging.I have been pushing you guys and shaking things up and trying to load our batteries to "full". You all know as soon as we get a nice warm day, I will have you all running the block or doing burpees in the yard.Ha! I cant wait!Every Feb I start planning a trip and making summer plans, its my way to have something to look forward to. It gets me through my spring fever. We all need to make sure we are running on a "full" battery. We all know that when something is fully charged- it works! We have to fill our tanks, with healthy foods! We have to fill our muscles with workouts that grow! We need to fill our lungs with air and push through cardio. We need to fill our hearts with desire to love and take care of the bodies we have been given. We need to prep our minds for success, so we can achieve the goals we desire. We need to practice our big smiles- so when we achieve our goals we can let the joy flow!We must prepare our paths with people who will support our hearts desire. Its almost spring time- what is your personal goal?? Where is your battery sitting?? You wouldn't go on a road trip with no gas in your car- so don't start your TODAY and TOMORROWS without doing what needs to be done to live your life on"full". Surround yourself with people who support your goals. Find a friend or friendships where you can encourage one another. One of my closest friendships began with a weekly run or long hikes together. The hikes were my favorite, as we could talk the whole time. I would walk away with that "full" feeling, and I miss that! Find yourself someone who will tell you to get back on the horse when you have fallen off, and who will share your goals. Corinne and Sybil met at my house through training- and now their friendship has grown. They workout every friday and sat together!That support they get from one another really helps! Many friendships have been made here. Racing teams have been made here! Its wonderful!You all know that I support you and will push you, and will always tell you to get back on that damn horse!! I am definately here if any of you need me!!!STARTING NOW- CHARGE YOUR BATTERY-RE-CHARGE YOUR GOALS-STRENGTHEN YOUR BODIES-AND GET PREPARED TO MAKE THIS THE BEST SPRING EVER!! **************** FYI- NEXT MILITARY TESTING WILL BE THE WEEK OF MARCH 17TH!! BETTER START PREPARING!!

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