Sunday, March 3, 2013

Boy did this weekend give us a taste of spring, or what? It felt so good to say hello to Mr. Sun, and the t-shirt weather on sat was the best!! Melody and I did a kick butt workout on sat!We even followed it up with a little game of punishment- that we did 6 times! Needless to say I deserved some Mexican food sat night! ( all Teri's fault, by the way)!I scarfed that down, like I had walked the dessert of Mexico just to get there(also Teri's fault)ha! As soon as we start getting some nice weather- we will have a boot camp!! Got some new spring ideas, I'm just itching to try!! Sybil needs a little encouragement- she has a goal of 5 pounds to lose, and in 13 days! Go sybil!She has a pretty important birthday coming up on the 16th! I also want top Thank Kristen who was so generous to our team adrenaline-(ragnar team) and paid everyones entry fee! She is so generous, and I am so grateful to her! Thank you Kristen!We have our half marathon team run next sat the 9th. I think most everyone is coming!Lets hope for a beautiful morning. We will meet at 8:45 sharp at the church corner, and will plan for 8 miles! I want to thank many of you- this is probably the first year of my training that anyone who has been sick with a cough or runny nose or even-48 hours after flu symptoms- has actually honored my policy!! I have not had to send anyone home! I hate to send anyone home, and I hate worse that someone has put me in that position that I must do so! So thank you!! May we all be blessed with great health and strong immune systems!!Remember to set the bar high- set it low and you have nothing to work towards! Start practicing for military testing!

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