Monday, September 23, 2013

ONE OF THE GREAT MOMENTS IN LIFE IS REALIZING THAT TWO WEEKS AGO YOUR BODY COULDN'T DO WHAT IT JUST DID! That is one of my favorite sayings when it comes to fitness. I can take a beginner client or a long time client, and we can still push our bodies to be and do more. That's the great thing about strength and fitness- you set the bar as high as you are willing to go!!! I remember how afraid I was to swim. The fear was holding my body back. It wasn't until I let go of some of that fear that I could really learn. This is how my goals looked and how my bars moved slower and slower up.. GOAL 1- DONT DROWN. **GOAL 2- SOMEHOW KEEP YOUR FACE DOWN, YOUR ARMS MOVING, YOUR LEGS KICKING and try to be a little graceful***GOAL 3- " ANNIE GET YOUR BUTT UP", If I heard it once I heard it a 100 times! ****Goal 6- down and back a couple times with little my bar has slowly moved and moved up..I can now do 36 laps with ease, I can swim the same speed as my coach, and have been told by a few that I have a very pretty swim. HOT DAMN!!ha ha.. believe it or not, I'm still afraid of water. I just move that bar up one more rung, and I focus on the goal. I think mentally and physically goals are good for us. It keeps us moving forward- if you want change, you must move forward. What are your goals? Where is your bar set? How tall is your ladder, and how far are you willing to climb? If you don't have a goal, set it now!! You guys are the greatest, and I'm hear to support you and your goals!

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