Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Hey boot camp schedule will post on next Monday!!! Here is some info I want to share with you. When Kristen and I ran our half marathon we debated if we should take some ibuprofin before. We had heard that it was un safe to do so. The American Council of Exercise just sent me some info on this subject. They evidence in this study proves that using a NSAID(ibuprofin) before exercise may increase health risks. By blocking prostaglandin function, blood flow to the kidneys during exercise is lessened and the kidneys may not be able to function properly. Some researchers believe it leads to decreased free water clearance, thus contributing to hyponatremia(low blood sodium) during endurance events. For example, an observational study found that 330 athletes in the 2004 New Zealand Iron man found that the 6 athletes that got hyponatremia had ALL used NSAIDS before their race. They had worsened kidney function following the race. Ultimately. it is said that ibuprofin plays a important role in relieving pain and swelling with a acute injury, but the risks before a event out weigh the benefits. Kristen and I chose not to take anything before our race..but you can believe after all those hills in Washington we were taking some the next day..of course that was because we had lost all ability to even move up or down the stairs without looking as if we were giving birth!!!!

1 comment:

Kristen said...

Oh boy! I remember those hills! Definitely took IB Prof AFTER the race! :)